Eid Mubarak 1445 H Sahabat Insurance Operational Hours

Terakhir Diubah : 08:55:35 - Kamis, 04 April 2024

Berita - Eid Mubarak 1445 H Sahabat Insurance Operational Hours - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

Dear Customers,
Thank you for choosing Sahabat Insurance. Eid Al-Fitr is coming within a few days and everyone in the country has indulged to get ready–including our team. Please be informed that we are closed from 8 April - 15 April 2024. What to do if you’re in a car accident? Don’t worry, get the assistance you need by calling our claims call center at 021-50508080, operation hours: 08.30 - 16.00 wib.

We’ll be back on 16th April 2024 with normal operation hours 08.30 - 17.30 wib. For more info please call 021-50508080.

index.Other News

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. For mild dengue fever, it will cause a high fever and flu-like symptoms.

Many people have no signs or symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever infection. When symptoms do occur, they are mistaken for other illnesses, such as the flu. Usually symptoms will appear from four to 10 days after you are bitten by a mosquito.
This disease can cause a high fever of up to 40 degrees Celsius. In addition, some other symptoms, including:

  • Headache.
  • Muscle, bone or joint pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Swollen glands.
  • Rash.
Dengue Fever Prevention
  • Use air conditioning or mosquito nets installed in the vents and beds. In addition, mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus are most active from dawn to dusk, but they can also bite at night.
  • Wear protective clothing when you go to mosquito-infested areas, wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and shoes.
  • Use insect repellents such as permethrin as they can be applied to clothing, shoes, camping gear, and mosquito nets. You can also buy clothes made with permethrin already in them. For skin, use a repellent that contains at least a 10 percent concentration of DEET.
  • Reducing mosquito habitat by closing standing water. Mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus usually live in and around homes, breeding in standing water that can congregate on used car tires. You can help reduce mosquito populations by eliminating the habitats where they lay their eggs. At least once a week, empty and clean containers that contain standing water, such as planting containers, animal dishes, and flower vases. Keep the water container closed between cleanings. (Source: halodoc.com)

The functions of the hazard lights

1. Use in an emergency
In accordance with the Law on Road Transport Traffic (LLAJ) Article 121 paragraph 1, every motorized vehicle driver is required to install a safety triangle, a hazard warning signal light, or other signals when stopping in an emergency situation on the road. For example, your vehicle stops due to an emergency during a breakdown, a traffic accident, or other conditions such as a tire that needs to be replaced. If you are in an emergency situation, then immediately pull over and press the hazard lights.
2. As a warning sign
The next function of the hazard light is as a warning sign. While driving on the road, there are times when you meet an emergency situation that can threaten your safety.
For example, your brakes don't work, or someone suddenly crosses the road, or other conditions that require you to stop suddenly in the middle of the road.
3. Not for Use in Bad Weather
A misunderstanding about the function of hazard lights is to use them in bad weather such as heavy rain or heavy fog.
Turning on the hazard lights when the weather is bad can actually endanger safety. This is because when the hazard light is active, the automatic turn signal cannot function. If you want to give a turn signal, the vehicles behind you will have a hard time understanding it.
4. Not a signal when entering the tunnel
Turning on the hazard lights when entering the tunnel should be avoided. The hazard light signal will actually confuse the driver of the motor vehicle behind you. When entering a dark tunnel or passage, simply turn on the main light or evening light to maintain visibility.
5. Not for convoys
There are still many car drivers who misinterpret the use of hazard lights. One of them is to use hazard lights during convoys or convoys.
It can be concluded that the actual hazard light function should only be used in an emergency, such as when an accident occurs or the car suddenly breaks down. Avoid turning on hazard lights without a clear situation because it can endanger safety.