Safety Tips During Rainy Seasons

Terakhir Diubah : 11:16:20 - Rabu, 10 November 2021

Berita - Safety Tips During Rainy Seasons - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

The rainy season has arrived, for those of you who often travel outside the house, the trip can be disrupted. Especially if the rain causes losses such as puddles or even floods that cause transportation to be hampered.
In addition, cold air in the rainy season can also bring various diseases. For that, for the sake of safety and comfort, you must be careful when traveling. Here are some tips to consider when traveling in the rainy season. Many workers choose to use public transportation because they do not want to experience the risk of their vehicles being flooded. So how do you stay safe using public transportation? Prepare spare time earlier than your departure so you are not in a hurry on the road, use non-cash payments, bring an umbrella and maintain health protocols. Office workers choose to use public transportation because they do not want to experience the risk of their vehicles being flooded. So how do you stay safe using public transportation? Prepare spare time earlier than your departure so you are not in a hurry, use non-cash payments, bring an umbrella and maintain health protocols.

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Benefits of Travel Insurance you need to know

Travel insurance is one type of insurance that provides protection while we travel both domestically and abroad. So you can still travel in peace. Especially in an uncertain situation like today. What if when you bought tickets in advance but you got sick, or even worse, the trip had to be canceled for one reason or another at the destination.

Some people may still be unfamiliar with travel insurance, but some countries in the world have even required travelers or newcomers to have travel insurance, for example, countries in Europe and America. What are the benefits of travel insurance?

Basically travel insurance covers for trip cancellation and interruption; emergency medical care; personal accident and it compensates the traveller for additional expenses that may occur due to these losses.  However, please note that there are things that are not covered by travel insurance, for example if the destination country is not safe either due to natural disasters, war or terrorism. So, in order to apply for/have this travel insurance, in general, there are several conditions that you must fulfill:

  • Photocopy/scan of ID card
  • Insurance application form
  • Photocopy of passport (for overseas travel)
  • Age limit
For you who like traveling you must have travel insurance every time you go traveling.Prepare travel insurance. Remember, read carefully the policy, terms and conditions. (Source: