Omicron, symptoms and how to deal with it

Terakhir Diubah : 09:12:06 - Jumat, 11 Februari 2022

Berita - Omicron, symptoms and how to deal with it - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

Based on the results of the study, the most common characteristics that indicate a person is infected with the omicron variant of the Covid-19 infection are as follows:

1. Sore throat but no cough
A sore throat accompanied by a cough is one of the common symptoms when someone is declared infected with the Covid-19 virus.

But in the Omicron variant, the sore throat tends to be itchy, dry, even without coughing.

2. Muscle and joint pain
Reporting from the page, the first reports of Omicron symptoms in South Africa showed a reaction to lower back pain.

In addition, this pain also continues to spread to several other areas such as joints, and muscle pain (myalgia).

3. Fatigue
Another symptom of Omicron is fatigue so that the body becomes weak and even easily feels tired even though it is not strenuous activity.

These signs of fatigue are constant because they are usually felt by other variants of Covid-19 sufferers.

4. Headache
A painful headache accompanied by a fever like the flu is an inflammatory reaction that the body is fighting a virus.

In Omicron symptoms, this headache feels throbbing, pressured, and sometimes accompanied by a stabbing feeling of mild to severe intensity.

5. Don't lose your sense of smell
In the previous Covid-19 variant, infected patients will experience impaired sense of smell and taste.

But for the Omicron variant, it's the opposite. Patients do not lose their sense of smell and taste so they still feel normal as usual.

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Essential Checks Before a Long Car Journey

We all know we’re supposed to check our car before we set off on a long journey. But what does that actually involve?
These checks can be done by anyone at any time and will not need any special equipment or prior knowledge.

1.Check Your Tires
There are three elements that you should check:

2. Check Your Oil Levels
To check the oil level you will need to remove the dipstick. You should be able to easily locate this as it will be either a bright yellow or orange pull ring.
Once you’ve pulled out the dipstick you should then wipe it clean so that no residual oil remains and could provide a false level.

3. Check The Engine Coolant
It is especially important that this check and top up is done when the engine is cold, and we recommend leaving the vehicle for at least eight hours since it was last used before opening the coolant tank. This is because the coolant can get incredibly hot and with the pressure in the tank opening it when not cool can cause serious injury.

4.Make Sure Your Lights are Working
To check your headlights and high beams face the reflective surface, and turn them on. You can also check your cabin light, and your front fog light, if your vehicle has one.

5.Test Your Brakes
You should also check your brakes are working correctly before setting off.
There are two checks to complete. The first is to press down on the brake pedal before starting the engine, it should feel spongy and not slack at all. Then turn the engine on and conduct the second test. In a safe place you should apply the brakes firmly when driving. The vehicle should stop promptly and not pull to one side.

6.Check your battery
Before you head off you should check that your essential electric systems (battery) are working. A problematic battery will reduce the ability to supply electricity to a number of components, such as lights, wipers, door locks, air conditioners, audio systems and others. The characteristics are easy, these components do not work stably if the battery has a problem.

7.Fill Up
If you’re setting off on a long trip, then you should fill up at the fuel station.
Drivers should refuel their vehicle when they have anywhere between a quarter of a tank or half of a tank left for maximum efficiency.The less fuel in your tank, the greater the risk of running out completely in a bad spot.

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