Open your own business?

Terakhir Diubah : 17:42:45 - Selasa, 15 Februari 2022

Berita - Open your own business? - Sahabat Insurance | Solusi Lengkap Perlindungan Asuransi Anda

Today, many entrepreneurs prefer to run their businesses from home. But when running a business from home there are things you should pay attention to: Good business plan. You need to take into account the business projections and targets to be achieved. How to open your own business at home by making business projections will focus on how you calculate capital and then spend it so that it provides benefits for the business. Make sure the safety of your home and assets is ensured, such as if you have to have a kiln or stockpile piled up, you have to make sure it doesn't endanger the home and other occupants such as your family. Call Sahabat Insurance 021-50508080 for further information.

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Motorcycle safety tips

Motorcyclists must be mindful of their surroundings and the other cars around them. The flow of traffic can change at any moment. Even small distractions can lead to serious injuries. It is important to drive safely because it can save your life.
1.     Preparing the vehicle
Before you use a motorcycle, you should prepare your vehicle starting from checking all vehicle components, such as tires, lights, and others.
2.     Using safety equipment
In riding a motorcycle, it is important that you use safety equipment such as jackets, helmets, trousers, masks, gloves, shoes and so on. The use of such equipment will help you be protected during the trip.
3.     Good driving attitude
In riding a motorcycle, you should have a good driving attitude where you sit on the motorcycle in a straight upright position but remain relaxed, make sure you look ahead, do not lift your legs to other places for any reason, do not ride more than one person and goods heavy baggage.
4.     Keep your distance when driving
When you ride a motorcycle, make sure you use a certain speed in every condition. You have to adjust the speed according to the conditions. And keep in mind don't forget to keep your distance while driving. Keeping your distance will help you from accidents or collisions due to sudden braking.
To minimize this, as a smart driver, you should observe your driving speed and adjust it to the distance in front of you. The higher the speed you use, the longer the distance that needs to be prepared.
5.     Stay focused and alert
When driving, you should stay focused and alert while driving. Many motorists feel confident about their driving abilities, they sometimes feel that accidents are impossible. However, it should be noted that such an attitude will create carelessness and carelessness. Keep in mind that no matter how good you drive, you still need to be focused and alert.
6.     Obey traffic rules and signs
The most important thing in driving is to obey all traffic rules and signs along the way. Use the turn signal when you are about to turn. Make sure you obey all traffic rules and signs.

Insurance Requirements and Claim Procedures Motor Vehicle Insurance

Did you know, Motor Vehicle Insurance is a type of insurance or coverage that provides a guarantee or protection for loss, damage, loss caused by the risks guaranteed in the Motor Vehicle Insurance policy.
Loss and/or damage to the Motor Vehicle and/or the insured interest which is directly caused by:

  • Collision, impact, tipping over, slipping, or slipping;
  • The evil deeds of others;
  • Theft, including theft that is preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or threats of violence as referred to in Article 362, 363 paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and Article 365 of the Criminal Code;
  • Fires, including:
a. Fire due to fire of other objects adjacent to or storage of Motorized Vehicles;
b. Fire due to lightning strike;
c. Damage due to water and/or other tools used to prevent or extinguish fires;
d. The destruction of all or part of the Motorized Vehicle by order of the competent authority in an effort to prevent the spread of the fire.

Loss and/or damage caused by the above-mentioned events as long as the relevant Motor Vehicle is on board the ship for crossings under the supervision of the Directorate General of Land Transportation, including loss and/or damage caused by the ship in question having an accident.

Insurance Closing Requirements and Procedures Requirements to be insured:
  • Fill out the SPPA, with your  ID card
  •  Have an insurable interest in the object of coverage to be insured
Claim reports are made within a maximum period of 5 x 24 hours after the incident to Sahabat Insurance call center 021-50508080 or via email to [email protected] or visit the nearest Sahabat Insurance Branch Office.

Claim Documents
1. Fill out / complete the claim form
2. Photocopy of insurance policy
3. Photocopy of SIM and STNK
4. Local Police Certificate for vehicle claim in case of partial loss, total loss or involving a third party.

For more information, please see link below
Riplay Motor Vehicle Insurance - Sahabat Insurance